HTML Explanation
In the head section, the character encoding is defined as UTF-8, and viewport settings ensure the site scales properly on different devices.
The card structure consists of a main container with the class "card."
Inside, there is an image box that contains the image portraitdaniela.png.
Below the image, a details section includes a heading (<h2>Hello Nationalian.</h2>) and an empty div, presumably for social media icons.
CSS Explanation
The global styles begin with a universal selector that resets margins and padding for all elements while setting the box-sizing model to border-box, which enhances layout control.
In the body styles, a Flexbox layout is implemented to center content both vertically and horizontally within the viewport, complemented by a light pink background color.
The card styles specify fixed width and height dimensions for the card and enable 3D transformations to allow for depth effects.
The card features a white background and a subtle shadow for added depth, with smooth transition effects for hover interactions. Upon hovering, the card moves 50% to the right, creating a dynamic effect.
The details section is positioned absolutely on top of the card, using Flexbox to center its content.
It arranges child elements in a vertical layout, ensuring a clean and organized presentation.
In the image box styles, relative positioning is set to allow full dimensions of the image container, facilitating 3D transformations.
The image itself incorporates a flip effect, rotating along the Y-axis when the card is hovered over.
The image is sized to cover the entire area of the image box without distortion, and the backface-visibility property hides the back side during rotation, maintaining a clean and visually appealing look.
Javascript Explanation
The template does not have any javascript codes